This shop is very quiet; not much business is done. 这家店铺冷冷清清的,没有什么生意。
After the fire, his business was done for. 一场大火他的买卖全玩儿完了。
It is also not vastly different from any other industry; it is simply the way business is done. 这和其他行业的做法也没有太大差别,只不过是开展业务的途径。
Just a simple cup of tea can make a client feel more relaxed and help to get the business done. 简单的一杯茶会使你的客户感到轻松,并有助于做成生意。
We need more initiatives that teach business skills, the importance of lateral thinking and logic& and, most importantly, that business done well should be fun and purposeful. 我们需要更多行动,传授商业技能,告诉他们横向思维和逻辑的重要性,而最重要的是,做得好的事业应该是有趣而且有意义的。
Behind these opaque job titles lies an equally opaque business done in Singapore: dealing in a type of foreign exchange contract known as a non-deliverable forward. 在这种晦涩的职衔背后,隐藏着一种在新加坡展开的同样晦涩的业务:交易一种称之为NDF的外汇合约。
Most business is done by road or by rail. 贸易往来多靠公路和铁路。
Mr Moffett, however, believes that changes in the types of business done by telecoms companies could turn this on its head. "What if everything we think we know about this sector behaves in a recession is wrong?" 然而,莫菲特认为,电信公司业务类型的转变可能会颠覆这种看法。他问道:“如果我们对于该行业在衰退期间表现的所有看法都是错误的,该怎么办?”
E-commerce, or business done on the Internet, has become more and more popular as people have discovered the advantages of online shopping. 电子商务或者是互联网交易已经越来越受欢迎,因为人们已经发现网上购物的优点。
However, the business done at the show wasn't record-breaking. 然而,在本次展会上完成的交易却并没有创纪录。
And now, I think, our business is done. 现在,我想,我们的交易算是谈妥了。
Well, to get the business done, we can consider making some concessions in our price. 好吧,为了成交,我们可以考虑作些让步。
In the international trade, most business is done inthe US Dollars or Pounds Sterling. 在国际贸易中,多数是以美元或英镑来交易的。
The agreements are important, but real business is done by business people, not by diplomats and bureaucrats. 上述协议固然重要,但真正的生意是由生意人来做的,而不是外交官和官僚。
They know that, here, they'll find all the support they need to help them get their business done. 他们知道,在这儿他们会感受到他们所需要的帮助他们做成生意的全面支持。
Someone takes me to where this sort of business is done. 有个人带我去了一个做这件事情的地方。
His investment in that business have done well. 他在那家商行的投资收益很好。
The total amount of business done in a specific period, as by an advertising agency or a law firm. 营业额在某特定时期内所做业务的总量,如一家广告公司或法律公司。
Automatic toilet machines, attached flushing system, hand wash detergent, and soft toilet paper, have your business done any time without leaving evidence. 自动上厕所机,自带冲水系统,洗涤精,还有舒适的卫生纸,即使随地大小便也不留痕迹。
Globalization now refers to how business is done, not where it is done. 如今,全球化指的是实现业务的方式而非其地点。
A tax that is measured by the amount of business done ( not on property or income from real estate). 根据成交量征收的税款项目(不是根据财产或不动产收入)。
This single Rolls-Royce contract accounted for more than three-quarters of the value of business done on the trip. 罗尔斯-罗伊斯的这一份合同,就占到此次中国之旅所签全部合同商业价值的逾四分之三。
I think to get the business done, you should at least reduce the price by20%. 我认为要做成这笔生意,你至少应降价20%。
Jeff's business was done in when the fire destroyed the building. 当火灾摧毁那栋大楼时,杰夫的事业也跟着毁了。
I was sure his business was done for when his biggest client stopped buying. 当他最大的买主停止购买时,我确定他的生意要垮掉。
We are glad to see that the business done between us is getting larger and larger. 我们很高兴地看到我们之间的生意越做越大了。
Most of our business is done by fax. 我们的大多数业务是通过传真进行的。
With shared information and business done through the Internet having been on the increase, accompanied by increasingly rampant Internet-related attacks and crimes. 随着传播媒体和信息技术高速发展,Internet广泛应用,共享信息与网上业务在不断增加,伴随而来的网络攻击和犯罪日益猖獗。
The monks and nuns are not allowed to do business according to the Buddhism primary doctrine, but the business done by them has lasted for a long time. 佛教原始教义是不允许寺僧经商的,但寺僧经商的历史由来已久,二者存在矛盾。